
Magical milk to create the skin Shuiyang

From the nutritional point of view, milk is no one can deny the skin beauty quality goods.

1, milk + flour = high-quality mask

Milk and flour to reconcile itself is a very good mask, especially for neutral skin. However, if you are oily skin, you need to replace the milk skim milk; If you 20 and between the ages of 40, you do not have any milk processed. Rich in fat can change the phenomenon of dry skin, away fat milk flour mask can greatly improve the skin.

2, salt + milk = farewell dander

Milk and salt together, we can improve your rough skin, and effectively remove the dander bothers you, leaving only smooth skin. Pre-melted in a pot and a cup of salt, has been put away into the warm water bath, then add 4 cups of the same amount of skim milk powder. So you can lay this to their own special bathtub, and soak for 20 minutes, and then to your daily bath process. Used once a week, you can leave dander.

5, ice milk + crushed tofu = after-sun repair

Now you know milk in addition to drinking, but also to the skin with adequate nutrition, but you know, the milk can diminish inflammation, swelling and relieve skin! Especially the sunburn, the milk has a very good care results. Step is very simple, first cotton in the ice milk soak, then ice-milk wash, then put a cotton pad deposited in inflamed the hot parts, can immediately receive soothing analgesic effect. Then tofu crumble, packed in gauze bag, the ice-milk wash, the to rub the face, the skin will become white and smooth. Facial skin if the result of sun damage is too severe and the swelling and pain, you can use ice milk, rinsed, and then to soaked milk gauze dressing in the face, pain and redness symptoms would ease, but if you still feel pain, then would mean to hurry to a dermatologist there sit, because your skin is inflamed!

6, yogurt + cream = goodbye wrinkles

Yogurt, butter each equal parts, mix and mix thoroughly after the surface covered, leave for 20 minutes, and then with water wash. This method is a convergence, long-term adherence to eliminate facial skin wrinkles, skin lubricant, apply to middle-aged women or face wrinkles more maternal.

7, fresh milk + olive oil = increased skin elasticity

Fresh milk 50 ml, add 4-5 drops of olive oil, flour and mix thoroughly surface covered, leave 20 minutes after the wash with water. This method is long-term use can increase the skin's vitality and elasticity, the skin becomes fresh, smooth, delicate white.

8, banana + milk = skin fresh lubrication

Ripe banana and a half only, smashed into a pulpy, mixed with appropriate amount of milk, tune into a paste, apply to the face, maintaining 15-20 minutes after the water wash. This method allows the skin fresh and smooth, remove facial acne and freckles.

9, Milk + Strawberry = farewell dry skin

Milk 100 ml, strawberries 50 grams, smashed drunk, the two mixed-tune into a paste, rubbed the face holds up to 20 minutes after the wash. This method can prevent dry skin, aging skin shiny, moist and delicate.

10, Yogurt + Honey + lemon = healthy skin

Yogurt, honey, lemon juice, the 100 mg, plus five vitamins E and mix thoroughly, surface covered reservations 15 minutes after the wash. This method allows the epidermis of dead cells off and promote new cell growth, reaching the skin fit the purpose.

11, yogurt + almond powder = treatment acne

Will yogurt five Almond flour Two tune into a paste, surface covered, 15 minutes after the wash, treat facial acne or small lump.

12, Milk + Strawberry = Clean Mask

To 50 grams of strawberries mashed, to double-layer gauze filters, juice transferred to a cup of fresh milk, mix well after taking strawberry milk, face and neck to massage, about 15 minutes to clean out can be. Strawberry must be cleaned before they can use.

Beauty, skin care, milk, skin, oily skin, mask

13, milk steam face bath

With 250 g of fresh milk put the pot on the fire boil, to simmer for milk in the pot boiling to produce steam, then her face on the boiling milk, steam above, and to maintain a certain distance, close your eyes, so that boiling milk steam blowing the face, his face was wet comfortable, time may be a few minutes to 10 minutes, according to their own feelings be. That adhere to once a day, over a period of time you will feel facial skin rosy, smooth, soft, delicate, and can reduce fatigue. This is because the nutrient-rich milk heating evaporation, can promote the facial blood circulation, speed up metabolism, play a beauty and health effects.

14, Milk + Vinegar = eliminate baggy eyes

Milk also has to tighten the skin effect, if the morning found that baggy eyes, can the right amount of milk and vinegar and water mix well, then the eyelids repeatedly press for 3 to 5 minutes, and then hot towel a while, eyelids became an instant swelling. A simple little way, can first two cotton pads soaked in cold milk, and then deposited in the swelling of the eyelids for about 10 minutes, and finally washed with water.

15, milk fast Cleansing Scrub

Want the cleansing products to maximize the use, in addition to select the appropriate personal skin supplies, we should also try to avoid Cleanse stay on the skin for too long. Otherwise it will reduce its effectiveness, is more likely to skin damage. The use of cleansing milk or Cleanser, just in the face softly for about two minutes, then use fresh water to clean. However, if grinding is too short to face in the dirt can not be effectively discharged. If the massage is too long, facial clean the soap will have the opportunity to make skin allergic reactions, or even swelling phenomenon, so metabolism too fast and accelerating skin aging. If the cleansing milk on the face more than three minutes, the pores will absorb excess moisture, thereby oil tablets keep the skin on the breed.

